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Saturday, March 12, 2011

Hi. Im Grace. I tape fortunes from fortune cookies on my door.

Okay, so thats not usually how I introduce myself. But thats just a little tidbit about me(Theres alot of tidbits, more on that later). Im very supersticious actually.

So how did you stumble upon this blog? Because quite frankly, this has nothing to do with Algebra even though the name is "bored in Algebra". I often bring the great invention of technology into class(iTouch<3) and end up writing something because I get inspired at the most random times. Algebra really has nothing to do with this so if you were looking for help on your homework or something youve came to wrong place. But stay! Because your homework can wait.

So I love to write. Reading and Writing are my life. I would be so LOST without my notebooks, but with the notebooks at least I can get lost in a translation of thoughts and dreams, and while drifting away in those thoughts now you can drift away with me.

Anyway, Im Grace. Let me get this out there. While im sitting at my desk with this laptop listening to Taylor Swifts "Fearless", I have to say Ive always loved the whole open fields and grass everywhere and sunsets. The kind of scenes that Taylor Swift portrays in her songs like "Tim McGraw" and "Come In With The Rain".

That somewhat ties into the theme of "Staring out the Window of Possibilities" because outside of Algebra class, right out that window, there is a whole world out there full of possibilites.

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